South Puget Sound Chapter
"Dirty South"

The Brothers-In-Arms Motorcycle Club (BIAMC) was formed in 2002 to support the members of our Armed Forces, past and present, to create a camaraderie between like-minded people from those services, to share in our love of motorcycling, and to promote charitable causes that benefit our military, past and present, and the community. The Brothers-In-Arms M/C is a non-territorial, neutral Club.
Unlike many Veteran's Clubs, we were originally formed by members of three services, consisting of Active Duty and Reserve members. As such, we maintain a requirement that a percentage of our membership must have been patched over while serving on Active Duty or in a Reserve status.
The Club is open to all Active Duty personnel, Drilling Reservists/National Guardsmen, Military Retirees and Veterans (with an honorable discharge) who ride cruiser style motorcycles (including touring bikes and trikes) of 650cc or greater capable of highway speeds.
The Brothers-In-Arms M/C is a Motorcycle Club first and foremost, with Military status as a condition of membership.
If you would like more information about joining a Chapter in your area, visit one of the Chapter links. If there is not a Chapter in your area and you are interested in membership, go to the contact page and send a message to the email link and your message will get routed to our Public Relations staff.